Better days ahead!
Preparation and positivity will go a long way in the coming days, particularly if you are planning to stay in your home during the project. Here are some tips for packing up and creating your temporary kitchen.

It’s only temporary – you don’t need everything
Keep out the MINIMUM number of plates and silverware your family needs as well as any items pertaining to how you’ll be cooking. Will you be using the grill, slow cooker, toaster oven etc.? Don’t forget essentials like foil, wrap and zip-lock bags either. A folding table is an ideal counter, while laundry baskets work as make-shift cabinetry, keeping items at reach and easily transportable– especially when toting dishes back and forth from the temporary clean-up station.
Thoughtful Packing
EVERY.SINGLE.THING. will come out of your existing cabinetry prior to tear-out. Take the time to purge items that won’t return, like out-of-date spices and foodstuff. Pack the rest away in totes or boxes, carefully labeling what is inside the box. (you’ll be glad you did, later) Be sure to wrap breakables in newspaper or use dishtowels and dish cloths to keep items safe.

Trust us. Meal planning is worth it.
Even if you’ve never done it before, take a few minutes to inventory the food you are packing away and determine what can contribute to EASY and healthy meals for your cooking scenario. Make sure to have grab and go snacks, fruit along with easy choices for breakfast on hand. Before this is over, you’ll be ready to order take-out more than you’d like– give yourself some grace—this doesn’t last forever.