Do your best and don’t obsess about the rest.
If you are staying in your home during the project there are a few things you can do to help the dust from spreading into other rooms, but we aren’t going to lie—this won’t be the most fun thing you’ve ever done. If you have a cleaning obsession, it’s best to just let it go. Giving up some control and knowing this won’t last forever helps to keep your eye focused on the renovation prize!
Here are a handful of products and tips to help you along:

- Plastic and Tape – tape off doorways
- Flat Sheets – wet the sheet and hang in front of the plastic to attract and catch drywall dust
- 2 pairs of slippers (what!?) If you must walk thru the space, leave the dirty ones in the project room and clean ones on the other side–minimizing dust tracked throughout!
- Shop Vac – save your good vacuum cleaner until the end
- Moving Blankets or Tarps – cover furniture to keep pieces dust free
- Keep doors and vents closed during construction days – better yet, tape plastic over the vents while you’re at it
- Leave when you can. Take a break and focus on something other than your project.